Pastor’s Q&A session with Rabbi Dr Itzhak Shapira - Juice 107.3

Pastor’s Q&A session with Rabbi Dr Itzhak Shapira

Rabbi Shapira has been recognised as a modern-day Saul of Tarsus, one day ready to persecute Christians, the next finding Jesus in the Jewish Writings, of all places.

We are opening a free Q&A session, prior to our conference, for Pastors and Church Leaders to ask Rabbi Shapira about his faith and practice, now that he has found Yeshua (Jesus) to be the Messiah.

You, and any of your fellowship, are also welcome to attend the conference with one day ticket options available at:  Gathering The Remnant – Australasian Yeshivat Shuvu Conference 2023 (

To find out more about Rabbi Dr Itzhak Shapira: A Modern-Day Saul of Tarsus – Israel Today