"Foundations ​​​of ​​​Hope" ​​​Project ​​​​​(fully funded) Beginner English Foundation Course - Juice 107.3

“Foundations ​​​of ​​​Hope” ​​​Project ​​​​​(fully funded) Beginner English Foundation Course

​​​​​Our ​​​10-week ​​​English ​​​Foundation ​​​Skills ​​​program ​​​is ​​​designed ​​​for: ​​​
​​​​✅ ​​​​Beginners ​​​​looking ​​​​to ​​​​enhance ​​​​their ​​​​English ​​​​proficiency ​​​​for ​​​​everyday ​​​​life ​​​​and ​​​​workplace ​​​​situations. ​​​​
​​​​✅ ​​​​ ​​​​Job ​​​​seekers ​​​​lacking ​​​​confidence ​​​​in ​​​​English ​​​​communication, ​​​​and ​​​​eager ​​​​to ​​​​learn ​​​​the ​​​​basics ​​​​of ​​​​job ​​​​applications, ​​​​including ​​​​resume ​​​​writing ​​​​and ​​​​interview ​​​​skills.

This ​​​​training ​​​​is ​​​​proudly ​​​​funded ​​​​by ​​​​the ​​​​Queensland ​​​​Government ​​​​through its Skilling for Work initiative.

Limited spots available.

Event Details

Organisation: Hope of the Gold Coast Ltd

Contact: Jasmine

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: 4/175 Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227

Phone Number: (07) 5551 0269

Date: 9:00AM - 2:30AM between Tuesday March 5 and Friday May 10